
Elyakim Samuel

Apathy is BORING...I believe that if we honestly make the choice to do something amazing...WE can change the world! That is the whole point of Different By Design; to use the far-reaching effects of graphic design to further outreach to communities all accross the planet. The world is your canvas...so leave your mark!

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  • Flipping_pages
    DBD | Hand spiegeln Seiten
  • Library_20hand_20drum
    DBD | Hand Trommeln auf Bibliothekstabelle
  • Train_coming_around_the_corner
    DBD | Zug um eine Ecke runden
  • Dbd_train_passing
    DBD | Zug vorbei
  • Bus_grill
    Dbd video | Alten Bus Grill
  • Church_steeple_and_clouds
    Kirche Steeple gegen Wolken

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